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Ashworth College Blog

3 Reasons to Enroll in Online College

Written by Nicole Krempasky on Monday, 21 November 2022. Posted in Career

Man with dark hair wearing headphones looking at a computer screen with his hands up to his face.

Deciding to enroll in college is a big step, with a lot of things to consider. It isn’t just enough to know you want to go to school, you have to factor in time, cost, degree types, and what it is that you want to study. If you feel intimidated by those choices, online school can offer a good balance to help make reaching your goals a lot easier.

1. Online school is convenient

No matter what stage of life you’re in, fitting school into your life can be a concern. If you’re a parent, working full time, or both, adding something else into your schedule may seem like a far-out idea. Set class times, plus traveling to and from your college or university, just might not be a possibility for some people. For others, you may have the availability, but doing so may leave little time for other things. Online, self-paced programs provide you with the flexibility to schedule not only your study time but class time, too, around whatever works best for your busy schedule.

For someone like 2022 Graduate of the Year Finalist Carren Itza-Montejo, the flexibility of the pacing was the most helpful part of her program. Due to a life event, Carren had to put her studies on hold just before completing her last final. In a traditional college, that might have been the end of her academic journey, but thanks to Ashworth, Carren was able to re-enroll and complete her final, ensuring she was able to earn her degree.

The benefits of this flexibility aren’t just limited to convenient scheduling, either. Being able to choose when and where you study allows you to work on a timeframe that fits your learning style. Are you a night owl? Leave your studying until the late evening hours. Are you awake with the rising sun? Hop online first thing. Do you need a quiet house to concentrate? Wait until the kids go to school to log on.

Read more: Real Answers to Your Questions About Ashworth College

2. Online school can be more affordable

Maybe even more concerning than time is the cost of earning a college degree. Colleges and universities are only getting more expensive, with tuition costs rising steadily over the past two decades. For many people, particularly with the current economy, college seems like an impossibility.

However, not only does Ashworth College offer flexible tuition plans, but because the school is online, tuition rates stay low. With no physical location, the overhead costs of an online school are much lower than if you were to attend an in-person college. Schools with physical campus locations have to pay for the purchasing or renting of facilities, maintenance, repairs, and standard expenses such as heating and cooling and electricity. These costs can easily and quickly add up, increasing your tuition rates to cover the costs. And, like many conventional schools, Ashworth does also accept completed credits from other colleges and universities, so if you’ve already begun your studies elsewhere, you can apply that to your Ashworth degree so you don’t miss out.

Also, at traditional, in-person colleges, tuition doesn’t cover the costs of books. But at Ashworth, all of your materials are included, as Medical Billing and Coding graduate, Dwight LaVan, learned when he enrolled.

“I was like what am I going to do about my books? And they said ‘oh they’ll be shipped to you once you get into the class.’ And they did. The books came and I had everything that I needed and it was included in the tuition. I was shocked.”

This makes Ashworth even more cost-effective, eliminating the extra expense of course materials needed for your classes.

Read more: How to Transfer Credits to Ashworth College

3. Online schools can offer accredited degree programs

Online education may seem appealing thanks to the cost and convenience, but you want to make sure you can get the education you want. Whether you’re looking for a career program or a college diploma, Ashworth College has you covered.

Tiffany Whitter, 2022 Graduate of the Year knew if she wanted to move up the ranks and get a promotion beyond her role as a paraprofessional in elementary education, a bachelor’s degree would be the key to success. Two months after completing her bachelor’s degree in psychology, she started her new role as a middle school education therapist. She says her psychology degree works hand in hand every day with her actual job. “...I could see how it was actually applicable to my job. It increased my knowledge on so many levels.”

It’s also important to remember that whatever program or degree type you choose, it has to be legitimate. To determine whether or not a school is legitimate, you need to look at their credentials, like if they are accredited. Accreditation is an assessment of a school and its programs to make sure they are meeting best practices and high standards. Ashworth is accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission, which is an agency that has recognition from the U.S. Department of Education, so you know that you not only will be getting a diploma when you successfully complete your degree, but you’ll be getting a valuable education, too.

Read more: What Are the Differences Between a Certificate, Diploma, & Degree?

Enroll online today with Ashworth

Ashworth College can help you make the most of going to school online with self-paced, accredited online classes and affordable monthly payment plans. And, like Ashworth courses, you can easily enroll online and get started on the same day. Or, if you still have questions, call an Admissions Advisor at 1-800-957-5412 to learn more about programs, degree types, and tuition.

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