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Ashworth College Blog

40 tips for students to fight stress

Written by Ashworth College on Sunday, 23 December 2018. Posted in Life Hacks

40 tips for students to fight stress

When it comes to managing stress in college, online students—and definitely Ashworth College students—hold the advantage.

Ashworth College students work at their own pace without the stressors of due dates, class times, driving to and from school, finding parking, etc.

Even so, we can’t get rid of all life’s stressors. So we’ve complied this list of tips for managing stress for our students, to remind you to take a deep breath (#2 on the list!) and indulge in some much-deserved self-care when necessary!

  1. Focus on sensations. In a moment of chaos, you can use your senses to keep yourself grounded. For example, touch something close to you and really appreciate how it feels or just stop and listen to all the sounds around you.
  2. Count your breaths. Take deep breaths then short ones. Or try holding your breath and then releasing it all at once. Anchor yourself back to your body.
  3. Do a guided meditation using a recording or an app.
  4. Try some yoga moves or a simple stretch.
  5. Slowly drink a glass of water (hydrates and relaxes).
  6. Laugh and smile. Even if it’s fake. Try it, it works!
  7. Take a break from technology.
  8. Step outside (ideally in nature but simple sunlight will do).
  9. Take a 10-minute walk outside.
  10. Listen to music.
  11. Watch a funny video (there’s a reason for all those YouTube cute animal videos).
  12. Call your friend. And don’t be afraid to ask for help.
  13. Seek comfort in a pet.
  14. List everything you have accomplished today.
  15. Mindfully eat.
  16. Buy yourself a plant or some flowers.
  17. Even better, work in your garden if you have one.
  18. Sing your favorite song, out loud.
  19. Massage your ears.
  20. Massage your whole body.
  21. Light a candle.
  22. Write down your negative thoughts and then throw them out.
  23. Look at old pictures or reflect on happy moments with gratitude.
  24. Let yourself cry if you need to.
  25. Take a long hot shower or bath.
  26. Go to the beach if possible and listen to the waves crash on the shore.
  27. Bake something.
  28. Say something nice to yourself in the mirror (no one has to know).
  29. Knit if you know how to, if not, consider learning.
  30. Clean a room.
  31. Do a puzzle.
  32. Take a 20-minute power nap.
  33. Treat yourself to something you enjoy. Hair or nails anyone?
  34. Read a book.
  35. Take a scenic drive.
  36. Scream into a pillow.
  37. Pop bubble wrap.
  38. Take out your negative energy out on a boxing bag.
  39. Any form of movement helps! Don’t sit too long!

Next time you become so overwhelmed you feel your heart speed up and your chest tighten take a moment to step away from whatever you are doing and take a bigger perspective. Your mental and physical health matters! Different stress relief methods work for different people, so don’t get discouraged if some of those listed don’t help. Keep trying; you’ve got this!

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