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Ashworth College Blog


Whether you’re interested in a career program, full-on degree, or are still exploring options, our Career articles will open your eyes to the many opportunities available to you.

How to Make a Career Plan (Guide)

Written by Des Sinkevich on Tuesday, 12 April 2022. Posted in Career

Notebook with

Taking the first steps toward starting a new career can feel intimidating, but it doesn’t have to be! With thought and planning, you can make career success a reality this year. Here’s how to get started.

Up for a Promotion with No Degree?

Written by Nicole Krempasky on Friday, 05 November 2021. Posted in Career

Two women sitting at table in front of window.

To get ahead in today’s job market, many employers require some form of higher education. While this doesn’t diminish the value of your experience, adding a new credential can make the difference between where you’re at and where you want to be. Ashworth College can help you affordably earn qualifications to help you get ahead on your terms.

How to Get Better at Time Management

Written by Nicole Krempasky on Wednesday, 06 October 2021. Posted in Career

Hand holding a tiny white clock.

One of the great keys to success is the ability to manage your time well. However, it’s a task that’s often easier said than done. In our increasingly busy lives, it’s easy to lose track of time or become distracted by something other than the task at hand. There are, though, a few simple tricks to help you learn to avoid these common missteps and manage your time more efficiently so you can get more done.

Why You Should Attend Trade School Online

Written by Nicole Krempasky on Monday, 27 September 2021. Posted in Career

Two women in workshop using power tools.

For decades, many people passed over trades careers in favor of attending traditional, four-year colleges. However, we’re starting to see a shift, as more skilled workers are urgently needed throughout a variety of industries. Keep reading to find out why an online trade school can make a difference in your education and career.

Which Technology Careers are In-Demand?

Written by Nicole Krempasky on Wednesday, 08 September 2021. Posted in Career

Laptop and desktop computers.

It’s hard to do anything today without the use of some form of technology. In today’s digital world, every type of business now uses technology, touching every aspect of our lives. Because of this, there’s a large demand for knowledgeable experts to help ensure everything runs smoothly with as few interruptions as possible. This reliance means technology careers can be a lucrative field to work within, and Ashworth College can help you get started.

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