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Ashworth College Blog

Connecting people is what fuels this admissions advisor

Written by Ashworth College on Wednesday, 15 August 2018. Posted in Why Ashworth

Connecting people is what fuels this admissions advisor

We’re not so different from the students we serve. Like them, we each have our individual goals, dreams, personal roadblocks, and vision for who want to be and where we want to go. Here at Ashworth College, we’re all about inspiring and enabling students to be their best selves, so we thought we’d share insights into what motivates our staff to GO BEYOND the ordinary and always—always—strive for more.

  • Hip-hop artist
  • Goodwill sales rep
  • Amateur photographer
  • Manager, Family Dollar
  • Poet

When it comes to jobs, Ashworth College Admissions Advisor Robert Stinson, Jr. has some experience. But as he describes it, it took a series of jobs for him to understand where his true passions lay.

“I found my passion in college, although I didn’t realize it at the time,” he said. “I was studying audio production and was a student ambassador and became heavily involved with working from everyone in the Registrar’s office to financial aid with the goal of helping students acclimate or solve problems.”

After graduation, Robert worked his up to manager in different jobs but realized he was yearning for the student involvement and the feeling of accomplishment that came with it.

“I started thinking about what I liked, what I was good at, and it kept circling back to the time in school when I was helping students not just ‘be’ at college, but really embrace the experience and all it had to offer and live college.”

He started at the ground level, sending resumes in to “every college and university in the area,” before landing an interview at Ashworth College. He jokingly describes holding his interviewer hostage for over an hour as he explained his passion for working with students who were looking to better their lives.

Every single person who calls us is someone who wants to be helped.”
– Ashworth College Admissions Advisor Robert Stinson, Jr.

“That’s the payoff. Every single person who calls us is someone who wants to be helped,” he explains. “They may have differing levels of motivation, but that’s where I like to think I make a difference. My natural inclination is to have a positive interaction with everyone I come in contact with. So I’m on the phone with someone and I’m aiming for anything from a small laugh to having this person say, ‘You just changed my life.’ How many jobs give you that?”

He notes it’s not always easy and not everyone wants to be helped, but even a person calling in and not enrolling is still a positive step that’s been taken. “It helps that I’ve worked in so many different jobs,” says Robert. “When I hear someone tell me they’re working retail and want a change, I’m like, ‘I know exactly what you mean!’ And we can have a laugh about it.”

When asked to summarize what gives him purpose in life, Robert doesn’t hesitate.

“Connectivity is a theme in my life,” he states. “I have to be around people. And I like to connect people.”

And where will this connectivity take him? Robert smiles. “This is what I imparted as a student ambassador and what I tell students who call into Ashworth College – have a plan but listen to your heart and be open to the journey. You never know where it will take you.”

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