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Guide to Going Back to School as an Adult (Student Stories)

Written by Laura Amendola on Wednesday, 28 August 2024. Posted in Career

Two women standing and one woman sitting looking at a computer screen with bookshelves and an American flag in the background.

Not everyone has the experience of completing their degree on a traditional timetable, but that doesn’t mean your academic dreams are over. If you’re considering going back to school to pursue your education, you may have a lot of questions, including if it is even possible at this stage of your life. Don’t worry, though. Even if you have a busy schedule, it is possible to go back to school as an adult.

Can I go back to school as an adult?

The idea of going back to school as an adult may be a little intimidating. You might wonder if you’re too old or even up to the challenge. But whether you’re 20 or 30, or even 40, 50, or more, completing your degree is possible. Many online schools know that not everyone can follow the traditional path or timeline towards receiving an education and degree, so their programs are specifically designed to work for a variety of lifestyles and backgrounds. Garrik Haynes, an online school graduate, found this worked best for him. "Having this self-paced learning allowed me to actually schedule the lessons around my life versus my life around the lessons,” he says.

Why is it so hard to go back to school as an adult?

Time, funds, and motivation all contribute to why going back to school as an adult is so difficult. The older we get, the more our list of responsibilities seems to grow and before we know it, we’re running around in a frenzy, drowning under bills, too tired to do much after work besides curl up on the couch with the latest bingeworthy show. The thought of throwing school into the mix may seem unthinkable, but next to nothing is impossible.

Read more: Is Online College Easier or Harder?

Will I have time to go back to school as an adult?

The biggest concern amongst most adult learners is usually the question of finding the time. Attending scheduled classes can pose a serious problem if you’re a parent working around nap schedules and after school activities or have a full-time job that takes up most of your day. Then finding time to read and work on papers can be even more complicated. But with online schools, you never have to leave the comfort of your home to work on your studies. In fact, you may be able to complete coursework wherever it is most convenient for you since all courses are often online and self-paced. That means you can fit studying into children’s nap times, your lunch breaks, or evening hours. You can take as much or as little time as you need to get the job done.

While this flexibility can make it easier to go back to school as an adult, you should still consider taking some steps to make the transition easier for you. Having the ability to work your studies around whatever pops up in life is great, but you should establish some structure to ensure you don’t waste time or get too distracted. Some tips to help you get started include:

  1. Setting up a schedule. Having a schedule will help keep your time organized and keep you from procrastinating. It will also help establish boundaries so family members know to expect you to be busy with schoolwork at those specific times.
  2. Create a study space. Like having a schedule, having a study space will help keep your materials organized. This space should be free from distractions like TVs, phones, etc. and you should keep it clear of any clutter, especially if it doesn’t have to do with your schoolwork.
  3. Set goals. Having a self-paced schedule means taking on school at whatever rate is best for your learning style and lifestyle. Whether your pace is fast or slow, it’s a good idea to outline some goals that you’d like to meet and when you want to achieve them. This will help keep you on track and mentally organized.

Read more: 8 Easiest Degrees You Can Earn in Two Years

Is it possible to go to school full-time as an adult?

Like most things, the ability to go to school full time as an adult depends on your situation. Some people may have the support and lifestyle to be able to do this. For many, however, this is not feasible due to jobs or familial responsibilities or both.

With online programs that are self-paced, you determine how much time you dedicate to school. Your education fits into your schedule, not the other way around. Online school graduate Dana Perea is a great example. As a dedicated mother of two, she transitioned from a career in banking to the legal field by earning her paralegal certificate through an online program. Despite the challenges of being a single parent, Dana leveraged the flexibility of online education to achieve her goals.

Why should I go back to school as an adult?

You might be wondering if it’s even worth it to take on this challenge with so much already going on in your life. Many people have families and jobs that take up most of their time, so adding something new onto your to-do list might seem a little crazy. While not every job requires a college degree, having one never hurts. Going back to school as an adult can help open new opportunities professionally. This can mean a promotion with a title change that may include a pay increase or a new job or career entirely. It can mean a better quality of life for you and your family, as well as increased job satisfaction.

If you are a parent, going back to school as an adult can also serve as inspiration for your children, encouraging them to work hard towards reaching their goals at any age. This can also extend to other members of your family, such as siblings or significant others.

While worth it, going back to school isn’t necessarily easy. Online school graduate Jeremiah Williams shares his experience: “It is tough, it's hard and it's not necessarily like the individual classes are hard. It's making that commitment that's hard. But you reap what you sow, and if you make that commitment and you tie into it, I mean, the sky's the limit. You know you can improve your life situation... You can change your situation. You have the power to change your situation. It's in your hands. You just gotta lock down and do it.”

Read more: Are Online College Degrees Worth It? (Stories From Online College Grads)

How do I get started with a school like Ashworth?

While this flexibility can make it easier to go back to school as an adult, you should still consider taking some steps to make the transition easier for you. Having the ability to work your studies around whatever pops up in life is great, but you should establish some structure to ensure you don’t waste time or get too distracted. Some tips to help you get started include:

  1. Choose a program. First, you’ll need to know what program to choose. If you’re already working and are happy in that industry, research which programs and degree options can help you move your career upwards. Or, if you’re starting from scratch or looking for a change, think about what fields interest you. If you’re not entirely sure, this quiz can help you start to sort out what you may want to explore.
  2. Get your transcripts. If you have previous college experience, you may be able to apply this experience. Contact your previous school to have your official transcripts sent to us. They will then be evaluated and any eligible credits will be applied to your program. In addition to saving you time later, it can save you money, too!
  3. Enroll. Once you’ve established which program is right for you, you can enroll immediately! This can be done online or by speaking to an Admissions Advisor by calling 1-800-957-5412 to get started. You’ll choose your program and payment option, then once that’s completed, you’ll receive your student ID and login information shortly thereafter. Once received, you can jump online and start your program the same day!

Unlike many other colleges and universities, you won’t need any standardized test scores like the ACT or SAT - just your high school diploma. Plus, with no set enrollment period, you can sign up any day of the year.

Open the door to your future

If you’re ready to take the leap towards earning your degree, it’s as easy as 1-2-3 to enroll with Ashworth.

It’s a big decision to make, but if you’re serious about earning your degree, don’t let time or age keep you from achieving your academic goals. Let Ashworth College help make it a little easier with a flexible, affordable education.

Let's talk about your educational goals. Call 1-800-957-5412