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How a diagnosis led to a dream career

Written by Ashworth College on Thursday, 20 September 2018. Posted in Success Stories

How a Diagnosis Led to a Dream Career

When Kevin Kays enrolled in the Associate Degree Program in Construction Management, it had been more than a decade since he had attended any kind of school. Because he was working full time in the construction business, convenience was on his mind as he began researching online colleges. He needed a flexible program of study that was affordable and would lead to a degree. He also wanted the freedom to learn at his own pace so he could finish his studies sooner rather than later.

Good fortune came his way in two ways. He decided Ashworth College met all of his needs, and his employer reimbursed him for the cost of the program.

A diagnosis of epilepsy

However, life has a way of throwing curve balls at you when you least expect it. Shortly after he enrolled at Ashworth College, Kevin was diagnosed with epilepsy and ended up in the hospital for treatment. But there was no stopping him. In his words, “Online education is really helpful if you have chronic health issues. I started my construction management degree just before I was diagnosed with epilepsy and I loved that it was online, since I had stays in the hospital. I probably wouldn't have been able to finish my degree at a brick and mortar school."

Returning to his job, Kevin refocused on earning his degree. He studied late at night, on weekends, and during lunch breaks at work. He remained committed to bettering himself, and in about two years the hard work paid off and he graduated.

Watch Kevin Kays speak at an Ashworth College graduation ceremony.

Kevin’s epilepsy prohibited him from achieving his initial goal of becoming a construction manager but didn’t let that dash his dreams of achieving more in life and attaining personal fulfillment. After earning his associate degree, he became an elementary school assistant substitute teacher. His associate degree qualified him for the role, and teaching young people became his new passion.

“I like making a difference in children’s lives a lot more than construction,” notes Kevin, adding, “At first I was in denial about epilepsy, but realized I had one choice: to just smile and move forward. It is what gave me the idea for my new career and as odd as it is to say, it has helped me find a career I love more.”

Education makes a difference

Ashworth College trains tens of thousands of students to be competent in careers they love. And even though Kevin graduated years ago, he continues to lavish praise on the quality of education he received at Ashworth College while earning his degree.

“The staff went above and beyond to help me out and they were great. I still stay in contact to this day. The advisors and staff are just great and easy to talk to. They give you quick feedback and were just amazing. In addition, I got all of my books on time and didn’t have to wait around for anything.”

While in school, Kevin’s strong suit was math, while English challenged him. When he was unsure of how to interpret a question in that subject, he would frequently call the professor for clarification. He suggests that Ashworth College students request help rather than guessing if they have any questions or uncertainty about what a concept means.

Says Kevin, “Make a phone call or leave a message in the online portal, or participate in the online community where you can go to the forum; I actually answered and asked questions in the forum a few times. Even if it’s at the end of the day, leave a message and they will call you back to help you.”

Recently, Kevin experienced another health setback and is scheduled for brain surgery. However, he has no intention of the surgery interfering with his career. He plans to earn his bachelor’s degree so he can become a full-fledged teacher. With the strength and determination he has shown in the past, there is no question his future remains bright.

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