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Ashworth College Blog

Recruitment Coach Tasha Johnson shares how one interview question changed everything

Written by Ashworth College on Thursday, 14 June 2018. Posted in Why Ashworth

Recruitment Coach Tasha Johnson shares how one interview question changed everything

We’re not so different from the students we serve. Like them, we each have our individual goals, dreams, personal roadblocks, and vision for who want to be and where we want to go. Here at Ashworth College, we’re all about inspiring and enabling students to be their best selves, so we thought we’d share insights into what motivates our staff to GO BEYOND the ordinary and always—always—strive for more.

Recruitment Coach and Lead Trainer Tasha Johnson works every day to make her ancestors proud – but it was one interview question that brought her career path into focus.

Q: Tell us about your role at Ashworth College.

A: I started at Ashworth in January 2009 in quality assurance (QA), then moved up to QA lead and support, junior coach, and into my role now as lead trainer and coach for recruitment/admissions. I love what I do. Internally, I get to create mini Aswhworth experts and conjure up a passion for education. Externally, my team is the one that hears firsthand why a school like Ashworth is so needed. We hear about what challenges people are facing and see how they wouldn’t otherwise be able to get an education if it weren't for our online career programs and degrees. Watching that happen in real-time is powerful.

Q: You said there was one interview question that made a huge difference in your career…?

A: Yes. So for a long time, I had a history of not staying at any job longer than 2-3 years. Then in an interview, I was told I had great qualifications and was exactly what they were looking for, but the man interviewing me said he wasn’t sure he wanted to hire me. I asked why and he said, “Because looking at your resume, you’re just going to leave us in two years.” That was a huge wake-up call for me. I realized that just like in your personal relationships, with a job you have to show loyalty. I wanted people to invest in me but first I needed to demonstrate that I was someone worth investing in, someone who would stay and make a difference. It changed how I saw my career path.

Q: Do you feel the series of other jobs prepared you for what you do now?

A: Absolutely. I regret nothing. Everything I’ve done in life to this point has helped solidify what I want to do with my life. And it helps in relating to potential students who call in with questions. I tell them it’s okay to not know exactly what you want to do. We’re not here to exert pressure. We’re here to help people uncover the person they want to be and realize their potential. And that may take time.

Q: What’s one of the biggest lessons you’ve learned throughout your career?

A: (Laughs). That “No” is an action word. It is a full statement. But also the value of being relatable. I can have candid conversations with my team members and nothing is a cookie-cutter approach. You just can’t, when it comes to people. And I hope my team takes that approach onto the phones—we can’t be cookie cutter with how we deal with people. Everyone is unique.

Q: This blog is part of series where we ask people what motivates them in life—what makes them GO FORWARD, or GO AHEAD. What motivates you?

A: My grandparents and parents were less advantaged. They weren’t well educated and while we had strong family connectivity, in their day-to-day lives they didn’t see themselves rising about a certain level of work. My generation is more progressive, and we have the chance to do things our parents and grandparents maybe wanted to do, but couldn’t. What motivates me is the legacy of being my father’s child, and making my ancestors proud.

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