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Ashworth College Blog

Setting Sail for a Future in Pharmacy Technology

Written by Ashworth College on Wednesday, 01 August 2018. Posted in Success Stories

Setting Sail for a Great Future in Pharmacy Technology

In our GO AFTER IT blog series, you'll meet fellow students and grads who committed themselves to chasing their dreams and proving it pays to GO AHEAD toward better opportunities -- no matter the obstacles to be overcome.

Do you love going to work every day? Latrice Thomas does. A recent graduate of the Ashworth College’s Pharmacy Technician Career Diploma program, Latrice has set sail for a great future. In a recent interview, she provides great insight for anyone considering a career in pharmacy technology.

Q: Why were you interested in a pharmacy tech career?

A: When I was little, I would accompany my grandma to the pharmacy and when we waited for the medications I always wondered what they were doing back there and how they did it.

Q: How did you decide on Ashworth College?

A: When I was looking for a pharmacy tech course, I wasn’t making a lot of money at the time and all the prices were really high elsewhere. When I called Ashworth they offered me a payment plan, plus the curriculum was the same as at all the other schools.

Q: Did you face any particular challenges or obstacles during your studies?

A: The math part of the course was challenging so I had to take extra time with that, but I finished in four months. I made up my mind that it was what I really wanted to do and stayed focused on it so it was easy breezy. My husband was very supportive and he pushed me to keep studying. It was smooth sailing! I graduated with a 4.0 GPA.

Q: What did you like most about being an Ashworth College student?

A: I liked the fact that you can do it at your own pace. If it’s twelve midnight you can just get up and start studying, or if it’s early in the morning, it doesn’t matter what time it is. One thing about pharmacy is that you are dealing with someone’s life and the course is very vital for that reason, and it’s very detailed. I learned about retail pharmacy, hospital pharmacy, and compounding.

Q: How has your career progressed since graduation?

A: Two weeks into my Walgreen’s internship they offered me a full-time job while I was still on my course. I then worked in hospital pharmacy for a year. Since earning my national certification I became a senior pharmacy technician and my hourly pay has risen to $17.00 an hour. For three months now I’ve been working in a compounding pharmacy and it is the best yet! I love going to work every day. There is always something new to learn and never a dull moment.

“Two weeks into my Walgreen’s internship they offered me a full-time job while I was still on my course.” – Latrice Thomas

Q: Do you have any plans to further your career or your education?

A: I haven’t really decided; there is a college near here and I’m thinking of enrolling in their pharmacology dynamics program, but at the compounding pharmacy where I work they are opening a new location and my boss has said he will send me there and pay for a compounding course. There is still a lot I need to learn and in pharmacy you are constantly learning. The Ashworth College pharmacy technician program has me wanting to pursue a higher degree.

Q: What advice would you give to fellow Pharmacy Technician students?

A: FOCUS! My advice to anyone interested in this program is to stay focused. And I don’t think it’s too hard if you put your mind to it. It's a lot of learning, but when you're dedicated the possibilities are endless.

Discover a whole new future in our Pharmacy Technology program! Contact an Ashworth College admissions advisor at 1-800-957-5412 for more information.

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