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Ashworth College Blog

What Happens if You Fail an Exam?

Written by Des Sinkevich on Wednesday, 11 October 2023. Posted in Online College

Note book and laptop.

You’ve taken notes, made flashcards, and aced practice tests. You feel confident and ready to take the exam. You begin and expect to ace it, but even after all of your preparation, at the end you find out you failed. What happens next? Before stressing out about whether or not you’ll fail your course...or if you’re even cut out for your program, here’s what you should do.

Relax, it doesn’t mean you failed your course

First and foremost, take a deep breath. Step away from your computer or tablet. While failing may seem like a bad thing, it doesn’t mean that you’re a failure. Mistakes happen, but it’s part of being human. How you handle a loss is what matters.

Take some time to decompress. Don’t think about your studies. Go for a walk, read a book, or hang out with friends. Taking some time away from school work can restore motivation and increase productivity. By relaxing and taking a break you’ll be able to reset, refresh, and come back ready to hit the books.

Read more: 23 Helpful Websites & Apps to Help You Study

Review the course material

Now that you’ve taken a breather, it’s time to start studying. Make sure your study space is ready to go. Get rid of distractions and get as comfortable as possible. Start by reviewing the questions you had a hard time answering. In addition to reviewing your notes, use visual aids like flashcards or charts. From there, take practice tests or practice on old exams. This will help you understand the format questions will be presented in and how much time you may need to take the exam.

You can also lean on fellow students. The Student Community is a great place to meet students studying in the same program or courses. You can form study groups and support each other as you progress through your studies.

Read more: Answers to Your Most Common Questions About Ashworth College

How to retake an Ashworth College exam

Ashworth’s flexible, self-paced programs not only allow you to study when and where you want, but also allow you to take the time you need to study and understand the material you’re learning before you test. If you fail an exam, here’s what you need to know.

Career School

  • If you’re working towards career diplomas or career certificates, you are able to retake exams and assignments. Three retakes are allowed, but aren’t required if the final course average is above 70.


  • If you’re working towards career diplomas or career certificates, you are able to retake exams and assignments. Three retakes are allowed, but aren’t required if the final course average is above 70.
  • Undergraduate programs. You’re allowed two attempts on quizzes and assignments. However, it’s not required to resubmit an exam if you’re satisfied with the score. For semester exams, the minimum passing score is 70%. If all sections aren’t passed, you may retake the failed section once. The retake is 36 minutes and must be completed within 90 days of the date of the original exam.
  • Graduate programs. At the graduate level, exam and assignment reakes aren’t allowed. However, retakes are allowed for semester exams, where the minimum passing score is 80%. You must pass each part of the semester exam in order to continue the program. If you fail the first attempt, you’ll be given one retake opportunity for each part no sooner than 30 days after the previously administered semester exam. Each part of the retake will be different from the previously administered exam. If you fail only one part of the exam, you’ll be required to retake only the failed part.
  • Military students. You’re allowed two attempts at each assessment and only one attempt at a pretest. If satisfied with the score received, you aren’t required to submit a retake. You must obtain a 60% to pass a course or lesson. For semester exams, the minimum passing score is 70%. If you don’t pass all sections of the exam you may retake the failed sections once. For each section failed on the first attempt, you’re allowed 36 minutes on the retake attempt. All semester exam retakes must be completed within 90 days of the date of the original semester exam.

The rules may vary by program, so make sure to check in with your Academic Advisor if you’re worried you may not pass.

Read more: 3 Tips for Surviving Your Hardest Courses

What happens if you fail a semester at Ashworth?

If you fail a semester at Ashworth, you’ll be placed under academic review. This means that you’ll need to work hard to improve your grades. Unfortunately, if you aren’t able to do so, you will no longer be able to continue in your degree program or enroll in another Ashworth College program.

What happens if you fail a final exam at Ashworth College?

Students who fail the first attempt will be given one retake opportunity for each failed section to obtain a passing score. Students who fail a semester exam on their second attempt will be placed on academic review.

What happens if you fail the exam but pass the class?

If you fail one exam in a class, but the average of all grades for exams in that specific class is passing, then you’ll pass the course. However, there may be some circumstances in which this isn’t the case, depending on the program you’re enrolled in.

What happens when you fail your exam?

If you fail an exam or even just get less than a 100%, you are able to retake the exam once. The better grade is the one that is honored and considered your final grade for that test.

Read more: How to Upskills Yourself, Earn More, and Grow Your Career

Is it OK to fail an exam in college?

Yes, it’s okay to fail an exam in college. It happens to many students and, while it may feel like it’s the worth thing ever, it’s not! Generally, one failing grade won’t mean you fail your entire program!

What is a passing grade for Ashworth College?

Students are required to earn at least a 60 to remain in good academic standing. Some individual courses have may different passing grade requirements.

Is it normal to fail your first college exam?

It’s fairly normal to fail your first college exam. After all, this is a new experience for you! But, don’t let one failed test set you back or hurt your confidence. At Ashworth, you’re able to retake the exam for a better grade, so make sure to go back to your notes and study guides to prepare before you take the test again.

Let Ashworth help

Whether you’re a current student or are interested in enrolling, Ashworth College has resources available to help you succeed. Ashworth’s Education Department is there to help you if you get stuck. Academic Advisors offer support relating to your course material and tutoring assistance. Our college also has an online library and writing lab, both there to help you advance through your studies. If you’re ready to further your education, talk with an Admissions Advisor at or enroll online.

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