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What Jobs Are in Healthcare Administration?

Written by Autumn Granza on Monday, 27 July 2020. Posted in Healthcare

Women at work looking at papers.

Professionals in healthcare administration may pursue a variety of career paths, including those in the human resource, facility management, marketing, and financial fields. While the day-to-day duties as a healthcare administrator may vary, the goal of their role remains the same: to ensure the health system they work in runs smoothly.

What is Healthcare Administration?

Healthcare administration is the management of health systems, such as hospitals or hospital networks, and involves making decisions that affect the organization's business. Professionals work closely with doctors and healthcare providers to ensure patients receive the best care.

Healthcare administrators may work for large healthcare systems, overseeing many facilities at once, or ensure that smaller practices or departments within a hospital are operating efficiently.

Duties of a healthcare administrator vary. Healthcare administrators may implement changes so patients are receiving the best care. They may also ensure staff is trained, oversee budgets, and develop departmental goals or objectives.

What jobs are available to someone with a healthcare administration degree?

The healthcare field is growing. With a demand for healthcare support positions, training for a career online, at your own pace may be right for you. Earning a Healthcare Administration Associate Degree may help you jumpstart your career. With an associate degree, there are entry-level positions within the healthcare administration field. Some jobs graduates may pursue are

  • Medical receptionist. Medical receptionists greet patients, schedule appointments, and maintain records.
  • Electronic medical records specialist. Electronic medical records specialists maintain patient’s health information, and ensure that it’s accurate and secure in electronic and paper forms.
  • Credentialing specialist. Credentialing specialists make sure staff maintain current licensing and credentials to continue to work legally.

How much can a healthcare administrator make?

The salary of healthcare administrators may vary depending on education level and location. For example, those with an associate degree may earn up to $60,000 annually. Earning potential increases and promotions are more likely with an advanced degree. In 2019, the median salary of a healthcare administrator with an advanced degree was $100,980.

Start your career with Ashworth

Prepare to enter the growing healthcare skills by learning at your own pace with Ashworth College’s flexible, online healthcare administration programs. Call an Admissions Advisor at or enroll online today.

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