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Ashworth College Blog

What Makes a Good Childcare Provider

Written by Nicole Krempasky on Wednesday, 03 March 2021. Posted in Career

Woman sitting on blue couch with children

Childcare careers have always played an essential role in our society. But it takes more than just a fondness for children to work with them. More than ever, kids need security, routine, and an environment that nurtures their physical and emotional well-being. Learn more about what it takes to make an impact as a good childcare provider.

What does a childcare provider do?

While the title gives a good, general overview of what the job is, there’s a lot more to being a good childcare provider than just watching children. Childcare providers not only keep a close eye on the children in their charge - looking out for their health and safety, but they’re responsible for their emotional wellbeing. A good childcare provider has the ability to connect with children from a variety of backgrounds with all different types of personalities, creating a comfortable, stable environment in which they can learn and grow. Typically working with younger children, childcare providers usually tend to children anywhere from birth to elementary school age, playing a significant role in their formative years. They help children learn basic life skills like hygiene, routine development, and engaging in essential play, setting a strong foundation from which to build as they get older.

Who else does a childcare provider help?

Even though childcare providers are working directly with the children themselves, those aren’t the only people they help. Parents are busier than ever, balancing work, children, extended family, and other responsibilities. Knowing their child is well cared for and looked after by a knowledgeable individual helps relieve some of the daily stress parents face. By having dependable, trustworthy childcare options available, parents can look forward to more flexibility in their daily lives. Often, parents work irregular hours, extended hours, or just need a little extra time for to themselves so they can recharge and refresh. First-time parents often struggle trying to find a comfortable balance between professional and family life. Experienced childcare providers can help ease the burden, guiding parents and other family members with basic childcare and routines.

How do I earn the skills needed to become a good childcare provider?

First and foremost, childcare providers need to love being around and working with children. This requires patience, understanding, and adaptability. Though these are often innate skills, there are ways to further enhance them as well as other skills that can be learned and developed with the right education. For example, having a working knowledge of early childhood education can help you understand the different stages of childhood and the quirks that go along with them, like the importance of developmental milestones and the role early interactions play in child development.

While safety standards are fairly universal, you’ll also need to be versed in health and nutrition, signs and symptoms of illness, and what types of activities are age appropriate. This may seem like a lot to learn, but a Child Care Career Diploma from Ashworth College provides a well-rounded curriculum that can help you gain the right skills to be an effective and good childcare provider. Ashworth’s online, self-paced study means you can complete your coursework in about four months, on a timetable made for you, by you. Once you’ve earned your diploma, you’ll become a member of the National Association of Family Child Care (NAFCC), giving your resume an impressive boost.

What can I do with a childcare provider background?

With parents’ lives becoming increasingly busy, they’re relying heavily on qualified people to help their children. As a childcare provider, you can have the opportunity to choose from more than one environment in which to work. Often, they fulfill roles in private homes such as a nanny. This may entail a full-time, live-in position, or specified hours each day. Day cares, before and after school programs, and private preschools also employ childcare works to help nurture young children. The Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates over 170,000 new child care jobs to open each year through the next decade.

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