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Top 11 Healthcare Certifications That Pay the Best (Without a Degree!)

Written by Lauren Ambrosio on Tuesday, 13 June 2023. Posted in Healthcare

Healthcare worker helping patient.

Want to learn how to enter the medical field without a degree? Keep reading! We're sharing the top 11 certifications that can lead to good-paying jobs in healthcare.

The top 11 best-paying healthcare certifications

The good news is that you don't need a degree to enter the healthcare field–certifications can help you get the job you want without attending four or more years of college. They may lead to better-paying jobs and give you a deeper understanding of specialized areas, building skills that are in high demand (which can sometimes mean more money!).

Here are the top 11 healthcare certifications that offer the chance to earn more money and qualify for higher paying jobs. Our list covers a wide range of healthcare roles, including patient-facing and non-patient-facing jobs. So, are you ready to find your next medical certification? Let's go!

Dental office assistant certification

Job: Dental Office Assistant

Certifying Organization: Dental Assisting National Board (DANB)

Requirements: High school diploma or GED equivalent

Training Program Length: 4-6 months

Average Training Program Cost: $1,500 - $2,500

Cost of Dental Office Assistant Training Program at Ashworth College: $999

Average Salary: $38,660

Should I get training? Recommended

Continuing education: Required for maintaining certification

Job outlook and growth potential: The BLS projects 7% growth from 2019-2029.


  • High demand for dental office assistants
  • Opportunities for career advancement


  • The job can be physically demanding
  • Work hours may include evenings and weekends

Skills and personal attributes needed for the job: Attention to detail, good interpersonal skills, organizational skills

Learn more: How Can I Become a Dental Assistant?

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Certified Electronic Health Records Specialist (CEHRS)

Job: Electronic Health Records Management

Certifying Organization: National Healthcareer Association (NHA)

Requirements: High school diploma or GED equivalent

Training Program Length: 4-6 months

Average Training Program Cost: $2,000 - $4,000

Cost of Electonic Health Records Training with Ashworth College: $499

Average Salary: $46,660

Should I get training? Required

Continuing education: Required for maintaining certification

Job outlook and growth potential: The BLS projects an 8% growth from 2019-2029.


  • High demand due to the shift towards electronic health records
  • Can work in a variety of healthcare settings


  • Need to keep up with changing technology
  • Confidentiality and security concerns require constant vigilance

Skills and personal attributes needed for the job: Detail-oriented, analytical skills, technical proficiency

Learn more: How to Upskills Yourself to Earn More & Grow Your Career

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Certified Professional in Healthcare Management (CPHM)

Job: Healthcare Management

Certifying Organization: American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA)

Requirements: High school diploma or GED equivalent

Training Program Length: 12-18 months

Average Training Program Cost: $4,000 - $6,000

Cost of Healthcare Management Undergraduate Training Program: $1,199

Average Salary: $81,430

Should I get training? Required

Continuing education: Required for maintaining certification

Job outlook and growth potential: The BLS projects a 32% growth from 2019-2029.


  • High demand due to a growing healthcare industry
  • Opportunities for career advancement


  • High stress and responsibility
  • May require extended hours

Skills and personal attributes needed for the job: Leadership skills, decision-making skills, good communication skills

Learn more: What Can You Do with a Degree in Healthcare Management?

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Certified Professional Coder (CPC)

Job: Medical Billing and Coding Professional

Certifying Organization: American Academy of Professional Coders (AAPC)

Requirements: High school diploma or GED equivalent

Training Program Length: 8-12 months

Average Training Program Cost: $3,000 - $4,000

Cost of Medical Billing and Coding Training with Ashworth College: $1,199

Average Salary: $46,660

Should I get training? Required

Continuing education: Required for maintaining certification

Job outlook and growth potential: The BLS projects an 8% growth from 2019-2029.


  • Can work in various healthcare settings
  • Can work remotely in some cases


  • Requires continuous learning due to frequent changes in healthcare regulations
  • High level of accuracy required can be stressful

Skills and personal attributes needed for the job: Attention to detail, good with numbers, ability to work independently

Learn more: Ashworth College Medical Billing and Coding Program

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Certified Medical Administrative Assistant (CMAA)

Job: Medical Office Assistant

Certifying Organization: National Healthcareer Association (NHA)

Requirements: High school diploma or GED equivalent

Training Program Length: 4-6 months

Average Training Program Cost: $1,500 - $2,500

Cost of Training with Ashworth College: $1,199

Average Salary: $37,190

Should I get training? Required

Continuing education: Required for maintaining certification

Job outlook and growth potential: The BLS projects a 19% growth from 2019-2029.


  • High demand in various healthcare settings
  • Can lead to more advanced healthcare roles


  • Can be stressful due to multitasking and dealing with patients
  • Work hours may include evenings and weekends

Skills and personal attributes needed for the job: Good interpersonal skills, organizational skills, and basic technical skills

Learn more: Medical Administrative Assistant vs Medical Office Receptionist

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Certified Dietary Manager (CDM)

Job: Nutrition, diet, and health science assistant

Certifying Organization: Dietary Managers Association

Requirements: High school diploma or GED equivalent

Training Program Length: 8-12 months

Average Training Program Cost: $2,500 - $3,500

Cost of Training with Ashworth: $799

Average Salary: $33,960

Should I get training? Recommended

Continuing education: Required for maintaining certification

Job outlook and growth potential: The BLS projects an 8% growth from 2019-2029.


  • Growing interest in health and diet boosts demand
  • Can lead to more advanced roles in healthcare


  • May require additional certification to advance
  • Requires continuous learning due to evolving nutrition science

Skills and personal attributes needed for the job: Good interpersonal skills, interest in health and nutrition, organizational skills

Learn more: Ashworth College Nutrition, Diet, and Health Science Program

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Certified Pharmacy Technician (CPhT)

Job: Pharmacy Technician

Certifying Organization: Pharmacy Technician Certification Board (PTCB)

Requirements: High school diploma or GED equivalent

Training Program Length: 6-9 months

Average Training Program Cost: $2,000 - $3,000

Cost of Pharm Tech Training with Ashworth: $1,699

Average Salary: $36,740

Should I get training? Required

Continuing education: Required for maintaining certification

Job outlook and growth potential: The BLS projects a 4% growth from 2019-2029.


  • Can work in various healthcare settings
  • Opportunities for career advancement


  • High stress due to accuracy requirements and a fast-paced environment
  • May require working evenings, weekends, and holidays

Skills and personal attributes needed for the job: Attention to detail, good interpersonal skills, basic math skills

Learn more: Day in the Life of a Pharm Tech

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Certified Substance Abuse Counselor (CSAC)

Job: Social services assistant or counselor

Certifying Organization: International Certification & Reciprocity Consortium (IC&RC)

Requirements: High school diploma or GED equivalent

Training Program Length: 6-12 months

Average Training Program Cost: $2,000 - $3,500

Cost of Training with Ashworth: $989

Average Salary: $37,610

Should I get training? Required

Continuing education: Required for maintaining certification

Job outlook and growth potential: The BLS projects a 25% growth from 2019-2029.


  • High demand due to societal issues
  • Rewarding work helping individuals and communities


  • Emotional stress due to the nature of work
  • May require working irregular hours

Skills and personal attributes needed for the job: Empathy, good communication skills, patience

Learn more: Ashworth College Social Services Assistant: Substance Abuse Program

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Compounded Sterile Preparations Technician (CSPT)

Job: Sterile compounding pharmacy technician

Certifying Organization: Pharmacy Technician Certification Board (PTCB)

Requirements: High school diploma or GED equivalent

Training Program Length: 3-6 months

Average Training Program Cost: $1,000 - $2,000

Cost of Training with Ashworth: $989

Average Salary: $40,500

Should I get training? Required

Continuing education: Required for maintaining certification

Job outlook and growth potential: The BLS does not provide specific data, but the job outlook is positive as part of the broader pharmacy field.


  • Specialized skill within the growing pharmacy field
  • Can work in various healthcare settings


  • High stress due to accuracy requirements
  • Requires continuous learning due to changes in regulations and practices

Skills and personal attributes needed for the job: Attention to detail, ability to work under pressure, basic math skills

Learn more: What is Sterile Compounding?

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Certified Registered Central Service Technician (CRCST)

Job: Sterile processing technician

Certifying Organization: International Association of Healthcare Central Service Materiel Management (IAHCSMM)

Requirements: High school diploma or GED equivalent

Training Program Length: 6-9 months

Average Training Program Cost: $2,000 - $3,000

Cost of Training with Ashworth College: $1,499

Average Salary: $44,940

Should I get training? Required

Continuing education: Required for maintaining certification

Job outlook and growth potential: The BLS projects a 7% growth from 2019-2029.


  • Essential role in healthcare settings
  • Can lead to more advanced roles in healthcare


  • High stress due to accuracy and hygiene requirements
  • Work hours may include evenings and weekends

Skills and personal attributes needed for the job: Attention to detail, ability to work under pressure, organizational skills

Learn more: What Does a Sterile Processing Technician Do?

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Prepare for healthcare certifications online with Ashworth

The healthcare world is constantly growing, with many chances to advance your career. Getting advanced certifications can boost your skills and potentially lead to better jobs with higher pay. These jobs usually require special training and education. That's where Ashworth College comes in!. We offer complete online healthcare programs that can help you learn the skills that allow you to prepare for a variety of certifications. To learn more about which healthcare program is the right one for you, reach out to our Admissions Team at 1-800-957-5412!

Let's talk about your educational goals. Call 1-800-957-5412